Wednesday, November 3, 2010


All morning long one of my favorite songs from childhood has been playing in my head. I suppose that's why I felt the need to put a new pair of shoes in my box this morning. They are some 5" heels I bought recently that a real kick to wear. In them I am quite literally 6 feet tall. And while I am comfortable enough with my height that I wear flats often, there is something about being that tall that is a real rush.

What is it about being taller that excites us so much. Remember the childhood excitement of being measured against a door frame and finding out you had grown? I now have one son who loves the fact he is taller than me and a second who is constantly standing shoulder to shoulder with me to see how he measures up. (And sadly, I think he's passing me, even when we smash his hair down flat). I think it is is because so many of us have stood on tiptoes in a picture or to see over someones shoulder that the story of Zacheus is such a favorite. You remember Zacheus, the "wee little man".

While I am sure if Zacheus had access to my shoes they would have worked, he was so desperate to see Jesus he climbed a tree to look at him. Zacheus was a tax collector, a profession despised then even more than it is now, and yet in spite of the wrongs he had committed against his people Jesus looked at him, and informed him that he would be dining at his house later that day. Jesus accepted him, and all of us, sins and all.

What would it look like for you to spend the day straining on tiptoes, or climbing a tree, just to catch a glimpse of God?

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