We had a wonderful group of visiting parents of children in ELPII today in chapel. I get to see those children on Thursdays when we have ELP chapel, and it was a lot of fun for them to join "the big kids" today. My box was very heavy, as inside I had a large first aid kit. It usually hangs on the wall in the church kitchen, and has everything from antiseptic wipes and band aids to aspirin, antacids, and even lotions for burns, bug bites and poison ivy.
The first disciples chosen by Jesus are the fisherman, Simon Peter, and James and John. And while in the time of Jesus fisherman weren't at the top of the social ladder, there was nothing wrong with associating with them, other then having to deal with the smell of fish. Jesus performs a miracle for them by increasing their catch of fish, and so they left everything to follow him. Soon after this Jesus sees a tax collector named Levi (Matthew). Tax collectors were considered to be sinners. They were shunned by the community. With Matthew, there is no miracle. Jesus sees him, calls for him to follow, and the Bible says Matthew left everything and followed him. And then, because in those days collecting taxes meant having access to money, Matthew a banquet for Jesus in his house. He invited his friends, who, because of his status as outcast, were other tax collectors. And now Jesus was criticized. While is was fine for him to associate with fisherman, it was not okay for him to eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners.
And how does Jesus answer? He reminds his critics that those who are well have no need of a doctor. If there is nothing hurt, the first aid kits sits quietly on the wall. It is not appreciated by those of us who walk in and out of the kitchen, until we have a cut, or a burn, or a bug bite that needs attention. Jesus has come for those who recognize they are in need of healing, and welcome his aid. In the new year, I hope we can all take some time to recognize what in us needs the gentle touch of the Great Physician's hands.
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