Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In the Image of God

When I was a child I had curly blond hair, blue eyes, and tan arms and legs. My husband had straight brown hair, a light smattering of freckles, and brown eyes. Our three boys are a mix of both of us, a genetic spreadsheet of our various characteristics, but looking at pictures of me as a young child and at pictures of my daughter you see almost a mirror image. Every family has funny stories about what is passed down along the generations: dimples, near-sightedness, red hair.We also inherit other traits from our families, such as musical ability, a love of reading or a passion for football. As we mature we are constantly being formed and reformed in the image of those who created us, raised us, and loved us.

Today I brought a picture of myself as a child and compared it to one of my children. Our lesson was that we are created not only in the image of our parents, but in the image of God. Being made in God's image has nothing to do with our messy hair or the color of our skin or our ability to sing on key. It is our soul that is created in God's image. And just as I have my grandmother's nose, I hope to have my Lord's heart.

What are you passing along to your children? While you have no control over whether they have your eyes, you can pass along a love of worship, a passion for service, and a heart for prayer.

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