Thursday, November 19, 2009

This week I brought a blessings bowl to chapel. It is a simple wooden bowl filled with acorns. Starting this Thanksgiving, we are going to pass the bowl around the table and ask everyone present to take as many or as few acorns as they want from the bowl, until it's empty. Everyone should end up with at least some acorns. We will then pass the bowl around again and each of us will give thanks for something or someone for each acorn we have taken. Once the bowl has travelled around the table again it will be full of our blessings.

We have been given so much, a beautiful earth to inhabit and care for, loving families, and a caring community in which we live. It is important that we remember to stop and give thanks for all the blessings God has showered down upon us. Hopefully our blesssing bowl will become a regular tradition in our home, and not just saved for Thanksgiving. Perhaps it can become a part of your family traditions as well.