Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Fool's

Growing up April Fool's day was a high holiday in my home. It was my grandmother's birthday. Looking back I have to feel sorry for her, although she always seemed to love the trick packages, squirting flowers, and succession of jokes played on her throughout the years. At some point I started hiding plastic spiders or snakes in her bed, not just for her birthday but whenever I visited. These pranks became more and more elaborate as I aged and I think she found enjoyment from the fact that I liked it so much. So today, in honor of April Fool's Day and my grandmother, I brought a box with a spider who jumps out when you open it.

Our story today was of poor Lazarus. Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha and all three were extremely close to Jesus. While Jesus is off teaching and healing Lazarus becomes sick. The sisters sent word to Jesus , "Lord, he whom you love is ill". Several days pass and when Jesus does travel to Bethany to check on the family it is too late. Lazarus has died. The family and friends are in mourning. And you can almost hear the tone of reproach as Martha says to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." Jesus weeps at the grief of Mary and Martha over their brother, and asks to be taken to the tomb. And there, he calls for Lazarus to come out. As Lazarus emerges, waiting to be unwrapped from his shroud, can't you almost here the call, "APRIL FOOL's"!In Christ all things are possible. The lame can walk! The blind can see! The dead will live! And even the crucified Lord will rise again.

My jokes on my grandmother would not have been as funny had I used real spiders, real snakes or cockroaches. They always caused a start, but she knew there was never anything to fear. And so it is with a God-filled life. We will have our ups and downs. But we have assurance that death will not claim us, but that we will have eternal life!