Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Birthday Cake

Today was the last chapel before school gets out for summer and in my box I had a big silly hat shaped like a birthday cake with three candles on it. In our family we have a tradition of the birthday hat. Early on the morning of your birthday you are awakened by breakfast in bed, gifts in bed and the hat. You then get to eat breakfast and, of course, have your picture taken wearing a huge birthday hat. We started this tradition when our children were small and although the hat is looking slightly worse for wear, it continues.

All year long we have shared stories about our family in Christ and its traditions. One of the traditions we have as a people of faith is lighting candles during our services. Lighting a candle serves to remind us that God is with us, and in the chapel I do on Thursdays with our ELP II classes I remind them that even when we blow the candle out, we see the smoke from the candle swirling around us and remember that God is always with us. So I hope my silly hat with its three candles reminds our children that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are always with us and in us, filling our hearts with love to be shared with the world.

Have a wonderful summer!

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