Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Chapel

Today was Mother's Chapel at St. Mark's and it was wonderful having so many mothers and special friends join us for worship. In my box I had a clock. It was an old Fischer-Price red wind up clock where as the face goes around it shows different daily activities and plays music. This was one of my favorite things as a child. I loved watching the hands go around and looking at the children on it as they woke up, ate, brushed teeth, played, and went to bed. I am reminded of that clock whenever I am at the kitchen sink at my husband's parents' house, where a card reads, "a mother's day is from son up to son down".

If you can find it, Madeleine L'Engle has written a wonderful book for children entitled, Every Day Prayers. In it there are prayers for all the ordinary daily activities of childhood, morning, leaving the house, drawing, playing, mealtime, being scolded, bath time, etc. Each prayer is a simple reminder to praise God in all things. As mothers, our days can often seem consumed with ordinary activities. For mothers (like me) who work outside the home, squeezing in the daily routine of caring for children can become exhausting. This week, try and take the space to honor each task, whether making lunches, doing laundry or simply kissing a child good night, and look for the holy in all the hours of your day.

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